
With saffron fragrant songs and cinnamon flavored tunes a vibrant Christmas brew is made of Caribbean, Scandinavian, English, Greek, Arabic and East European music influences and traditional tunes. 

With the show "Midvintervaka" canvases Kaja & Tetra up a sumptuous Christmas dinner for everyone. The seven musicians and singers offer a colorful Christmas show with dancing and music drawn from various folk traditions: Nordic, Greek, Arabic, Celtic, Roma, Macedonian, Italian and Caribbean folk music, klezmer and tango. It sounds ranging from Staffan Supervisor and Santa Lucia in Italian to the brand new midvintertango and Haitian comfortable swinging Christmas music. Known and less well-known, traditional and newly written, locally and internationally. 

Midvintervaka is created by the two swedish folk/world music groups Kaja and Tetra. The members are all professional musicians performing in a number of different groups and projects, such as New Tide Orquesta, Ale Möllen Band, Kultiration, Amanda and many other.

ALBUM RELEASED the 5th of November2012 at Kakafon Records


Sweden tour in december 2013

On stage

Maria Stellas – vocal and percussion
Ingrid Brännström – vocal and percussion
Sanna Källman – vocal, cello and percussion
Anna Ottertun – vocal and percussion

More info: www.tetramusik.se

Camilla Åström – accordion
Livet Nord – violin and viola
Daniel Wejdin/Jenny Kristoffersson – double bass

More info: www.kajatrio.se